Equipping Minds, Nurturing Hearts, to Transform the World for Jesus Christ

December 18, 2014

Love Does-Kids' Food Basket

The second graders raised $352.42 in the past few weeks.  I took the donated money and bought all the supplies for the breakfast bundles-pop-tart, cereal, fruit snack, and juice.  On Wednesday, we packed each bundle up. Guess how many little mouths we have helped feed? ….240! We prayed together that we may be a blessing to the child who receive our gifts.  I will be delivering the breakfast bundles on Friday to Kids’ Food Basket. 

Thank you for your love and support through this service project.  It is my desire to see my students giving with a grateful heart.

December 15, 2014

A Few Reminders:

- Tomorrow your chid has the great opportunity to share his/her musical talents with the class during Music.  Have your child play a piece or two on the piano or other instrument.  If you are learning Christmas music, please share that.  OR Bring in a Christmas decoration or ornament that makes music, and be prepared to talk about it.

-Our class Christmas Party is Thursday.  If your child would like to participate in a small gift exchanged have him/her bring in a gift. We will play a swapping game during our party. (limit $3)

-I am still looking for a few volunteers to lead a center during our Christmas party.  Please sign up on the Sign-Up Genius in a previous post below.

-No Spelling or Math homework this week.

Thank you God for clean water

On Tuesday we went to the Water Treatment Plant and learned how our drinking water comes from Lake Michigan then gets cleaned by Holland Board of Public Works, and finally into our homes. We are thankful for clean water to drink!

December 8, 2014

Christmas Party

Our class will have our Christmas celebration on Thursday from 10:30-12:00.  We will play games, decorate cookies, make a craft and exchange presents.  Please have your child bring in a gift to exchange ($3 limit on a present please!).  If you would like to help out please check out this link below.  I will need leaders for centers and a few supplies bought. Thanks for considering this!


December 7, 2014

Many Seconds in Second

In reading, we continue to study the characters in our books.  We are looking at the actions of the characters and determining character traits and feelings. We also are finding sometimes the character act out in surprising ways.  We can mark our books with post-it notes when our characters act out of character.  You will soon be sent an email from your child with an i-pad project we did on character traits.

We will spend the next two weeks reviewing adding two-digit numbers and being able to verbally explain what we are doing in our written work.  We also will continue to count and add money. 

**Math homework is due each Friday.
Anika and Norrah practicing two-digit addition.


We will be wrapping up our Science unit on “Earth’s Land and Bodies of Water”.  We can identify the major landforms and bodies of water.  We learned how precious water is to us, and how we are blessed to have clean, fresh running water. On Friday we learned how water can get polluted by many things like litter, pesticides, gasoline, oil, fertilizer, and house hold cleaning supplies.  We made a model of our community then put these pollutants in the water.  We learned that it’s important to conserve and protect the water supply.

On Tuesday, Dec. 9 we will be going to the Water Treatment Plant for our second field trip.  Please email me if you would like to go with us.  We will be leaving school at 9:15 a.m on the bus.  We should be back around 10:45 a.m.

We also had the school nurse visit our classroom and show us how to wash our hands correctly.  She had us do an experiment.  We rubbed special lotion on our hands.  This lotion was to simulate germs.  After we had this lotion rubbed into our hands, the nurse had us thoroughly wash our hands.  We discovered that we didn’t do such a great job of removing this lotion/germs. After washing, we put our hands under a light to see how well we got the ‘germs’ or lotion off our hands.  We learned we need to spend more time washing than we usually do!

Social Studies:
We are learning about local communities.  This week we will compare and contrast rural, suburban, and big cities.  How familiar is your child with these terms? 

In our Poetry Unit we have been learning how to make our poems ‘sound like music to the ear’.  We have been busy putting line breaks in our poems, using repetition of words and lines.  We are looking forward to sharing some of our final poems soon.


Last week we learned about Prayer.  We learned the meaning of different parts of the Lord’s Prayer. We are beginning to memorize this prayer.  I will be sending your child’s final project of the Lord’s Prayer home soon. Your child spent time drawing pictures and recording this prayer on their ipad in an app called My Story.
Click on the link to see this project.  http://goo.gl/MFYQX5

Things to remember:
-Library is on Tuesday
-Field Trip to the Water Treatment Plant on Tuesday morning from 9:15-10:45. If you would like to join us please send me an email by Monday night.
-Family Christmas Tree Project is due this Monday
- Kids' Food Basket-we will be making breakfast bundles for children over the holiday break. See previous blog post for more information.